Your Issues Are My Issues


Buxton Beach Emergency 3/31/24

Petroleum-contaminated sand, oil on ocean waters, and exposed remnants of Navy buildings have contributed to a dangerous situation. There is a health advisory in effect, but the Army Corps of Engineers continues to "study" and "assess" the situation. This expanding safety hazard increases daily, and is a threat to health, business, tourism, and the environment. WE NEED IMMEDIATE FEDERAL ACTION.


We're all aware of the housing crisis that Dare County has faced for years. We've had studies and data and task forces; now we need to make decisions and take action. There are ideas that haven't been fully explored, such as building on mainland Dare and on Hatteras Island. We're losing good people and quality of life every day by failing to move forward on this important issue. WE CAN DO BETTER.

Access to Healthcare

The health care we have in Dare County is growing all the time, and what we have is excellent. But we need more specialists, and more nurses and doctors. And Hatteras Island needs an urgent care facility. When Manteo lost its only doctor, it was the town of Manteo that created a task force. The Dare County Board of Commissioners should lead the way in searching for solutions. WE CAN DO BETTER.

Fairer Fishing Regulations

The recently proposed regulations on mullet fishing do not make sense. Based on data gathered in 2019, and not mirroring any regulations in Virginia or South Carolina (or Florida), the proposals appear out of date, arbitrary, and not based on hard evidence. I will advocate for rules that preserve fishing traditions and also address wildlife and environmental concerns. WE CAN DO BETTER.